2020 onwards
This section includes publications for 2020 onwards, categorised as Atlases/ Reports , Fact sheets , Videos, Papers and Regional Health Profiles , and listed in alphabetical order within each publication category.
Health equity and its determinants in the Western Pacific Region, 2020
Fact sheets
Age-related rates of Emergency Department presentation, 2023
Cancer fact sheet, 2021
Deaths from non-communicable diseases are over represented in disadvantaged areas, 2021
Deaths from COVID-19: largely an eastern states and older person phenomenon, 2022
Emergency Department presentations for mental health-related conditions: variations by age group and socioeconomic disadvantage UPDATE 2022
Emergency Department presentations for mental health-related conditions: variations by age group and socioeconomic disadvantage, 2021
Obesity and overweight: geographical variations, 2020
Long-term health conditions: variations in the number of conditions by socioeconomic disadvantage and remoteness, 2023
Long-term health conditions by type of condition: variations by socioeconomic disadvantage and remoteness, 2023
Long-term health conditions: variations in the number and type of conditions reported by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2023
Long-term health conditions: variations in the number and type of conditions reported, by Indigenous status, 2023
Median age at death - Australia: summary data, 2020
Median age at death: Sydney and Adelaide: summary data, 2020
Median age at death: Western Australia and the Northern Territory: summary data, 2020
Median age at death, by Indigenous status: summary data, 2020
Potential Years of Life Lost - fact sheet, 2022
Potential Years of Life Lost by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - fact sheet, 2022
Producing time-series estimated resident populations by Indigenous Area for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2021
Unemployment benefits and the social gradient under COVID-19, 2020
Variation in the rates of potentially preventable hospitalisations are geographically consistent over time across Australian states and territories, 2021
Variation in potentially preventable hospitalisation rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are geographically persistent over time across Australian states and territories, 2021
Professor John Glover, Director of PHIDU, presented “Population health data show many changes for the better but are they equitable?” as part of Torrens University's Research and Innovation Week. The data highlights the stark differences in health outcomes for different populations across the country.
Justin Beilby, a health services researcher and general practitioner for over 30 years provides his insights on the usefulness of PHIDU’s hot spot analysis of potentially preventable hospitalisations for health care decision making.
2015 to 2019
This section includes publications for the years 2015 to 2019, categorised as Atlases/ Reports , Papers and Regional Health Profiles , and listed in alphabetical order within each publication category.
Atlases in print/ Reports
An atlas of diabetes in South Australia, 2016
An atlas of respiratory disease in South Australia, 2017
An atlas of six South Australian communities: Mapping the influences on community wellbeing, 2016
The Brimbank Atlas of Health and Education: Mapping the influences on health and education in the Brimbank Community - 2nd edition, 2019
Housing experiences and suitability as determinants of health: Population patterns of housing and correlated health risk factors and outcomes, 2019
Potentially preventable hospitalisations in Australia, 2018
The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated risk factors in Australia: How far have we travelled? Evidence from the ABS National Health Survey Series (Paper), 2015
Regional Health Profiles
Regional health profiles, 2017 (7 profiles)
2010 to 2014
This section includes publications for the years 2010 to 2014, categorised as Atlases/ Reports , Literature Reviews and Conference Proceedings , and listed in alphabetical order within each publication category.
Atlases in print/ Reports
Advocacy and action in public health: Lessons from Australia over the 20th Century, 2013
An Atlas of Cancer in South Australia, 2012
Audit of Australian chronic disease and associated risk factor data collections: Final report, 2010
The Brimbank Atlas of Health and Education: Mapping the influences on health and education in the Brimbank Community, 2014
Life opportunities, social inclusion and health outcomes: An Australian Atlas, 2012
Understanding educational opportunities and outcomes: A South Australian Atlas, 2010
Literature Reviews
Messages from research: A review of the research literature concerning differences in cancer outcomes between metropolitan and country residents in South Australia, and factors that might underlie such differences, 2012
Review of health status and labour force productivity and participation data with regard to chronic disease: Literature review, 2010
Conference Proceedings
Challenges for Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing in Australia: Current and future perspectives (Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Technical Reference Group Forum), 2010
2005 to 2009
This section includes publications for the years 2005 to 2009, categorised as Atlases/ Reports , Population health profiles and Journal articles , and listed in alphabetical order within each publication category.
Atlases in print/ Reports
Atlas of Avoidable Hospitalisations in Australia: Ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, 2007
Atlas of potentially avoidable hospitalisations in South Australia, 2008
Australian and New Zealand Atlas of Avoidable Mortality, 2006
Central Northern Adelaide Health Service: A Social Health Atlas, 2005
Geographic distribution of admissions to hospital with a mental health diagnosis and use of community mental health services in 2004, 2006
Men's health and wellbeing in South Australia: An analysis of service use and outcomes by socioeconomic status, 2009
Public Health Classifications Project - Phase One: Final Report, 2006
A Social Health Atlas of compensable injury in South Australia, 2006
A Social Health Atlas of South Australia [Third Edition], 2006
Population health profiles
Population health profiles of the Divisions of General Practice, 2005 (119 profiles)
Population health profiles of the Divisions of General Practice: Supplement, 2007 (119 profiles)
Journal articles
Comparative evaluation of indicators for gender equity and health (Journal Article), 2007
Health systems of Australia and New Zealand (Journal Article), 2008
Metropolitan income inequality and working age mortality: A cross-sectional analysis using comparable data from five countries (Journal Article), 2005
1999 to 2004
This section includes publications for the years 1999 to 2004, categorised as Atlases/ Reports , Papers and Journal articles , and listed in alphabetical order within each publication category.
Atlases in print/ Reports
Chronic disease and associated risk factors information monitoring system: The results of an audit of Australian data collections and policies and a review of the international experience, 2002
Comparative evaluation of indicators for gender equity and health (Report), 2003
Improving Indigenous identification in communicable disease reporting systems, 2004
Inequality in South Australia: Key determinants of wellbeing - Volume 1: The evidence, 2004
A Social Health Atlas of Australia [Second Edition] - Volumes 1-9, 1999
A Social Health Atlas of Young South Australians [Second Edition], 2003
Symposium on health data linkage: Its value for Australian health policy development and policy relevant research: Proceedings, 2003
Australian Health Measurement Survey (AHMS) - AHMS Working Papers Nos. 1-8, 2003
Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection: Australian Health Surveys: Question and module development principles and practice (Occasional Paper), 2003
Early intervention - from evidence to implementation: The policy-maker's tale. A case study (Occasional Paper), 2003
Ethical considerations arising from National Health Measurement Surveys: With particular reference to the Australian Health Measurement Survey (Working Paper), 2003
The impact of socioeconomic status and geographic location on Indigenous mortality in Australia, 1997-99 (Occasional Paper), 2004
Is it working - together? Linking research, policy and practice in relation to children and health inequalities in Australia (Occasional Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance concepts: Physical activity (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance data requirements for health: Physical activity (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance question development: Asthma (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance question development: Diabetes mellitus (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance question development: Physical activity (Working Paper), 2003
An overview of National Health Measurement Surveys (Working Paper), 2003
Remote areas statistical geography in Australia: Notes on the Accessibility/ Remoteness Index for Australia [ARIA+ Version] (Working Paper), 2003
Social capital and social capital indicators: A reading list (Working Paper), 2003
Journal articles
Death, disease and diversity in Australia, 1951 to 2000 (Journal Article), 2001
Ischaemic heart disease: Across the social and geographic divides (Editorial), 2000
Open Invitation from the International Poverty and Health Network to All Healthcare Professionals (Editorial), 2004
The Social Health Atlas: A policy tool to describe and monitor social inequality and inequality in Australia (Journal Article), 2004-2005
The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated risk factors in Australia (Journal Article), 2004
Unpacking analyses relying on area-based data: Are the assumptions supportable? (Journal Article), 2004
This section includes all publications (from 1999 onwards), in alphabetical order.
Advocacy and action in public health: Lessons from Australia over the 20th Century, 2013
Age-related rates of Emergency Department presentation, 2023
Atlas of Avoidable Hospitalisations in Australia: Ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, 2007
Atlas of potentially avoidable hospitalisations in South Australia, 2008
An Atlas of Cancer in South Australia, 2012
An atlas of diabetes in South Australia, 2016
An atlas of respiratory disease in South Australia, 2017
An atlas of six South Australian communities: Mapping the influences on community wellbeing, 2016
Audit of Australian chronic disease and associated risk factor data collections: Final report, 2010
Australian and New Zealand Atlas of Avoidable Mortality, 2006
Australian Health Measurement Survey (AHMS) - AHMS Working Papers Nos. 1-8, 2003
The Brimbank Atlas of Health and Education: Mapping the influences on health and education in the Brimbank Community, 2014
The Brimbank Atlas of Health and Education: Mapping the influences on health and education in the Brimbank Community - 2nd edition, 2019
Cancer fact sheet, 2021
Central Northern Adelaide Health Service: A Social Health Atlas, 2005
Challenges for Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing in Australia: Current and future perspectives (Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Technical Reference Group Forum), 2010
Chronic disease and associated risk factors information monitoring system: The results of an audit of Australian data collections and policies and a review of the international experience, 2002
Comparative evaluation of indicators for gender equity and health (Journal Article), 2007
Comparative evaluation of indicators for gender equity and health (Report), 2003
Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection: Australian Health Surveys: Question and module development principles and practice (Occasional Paper), 2003
Death, disease and diversity in Australia, 1951 to 2000 (Journal Article), 2001
Deaths from COVID-19: largely an eastern states and older person phenomenon, 2022
Deaths from non-communicable diseases are over represented in disadvantaged areas, 2021
Early intervention - from evidence to implementation: The policy-maker's tale. A case study (Occasional Paper), 2003
Emergency Department presentations for mental health-related conditions: variations by age group and socioeconomic disadvantage, 2021
Emergency Department presentations for mental health-related conditions: variations by age group and socioeconomic disadvantage UPDATE 2022
Ethical considerations arising from National Health Measurement Surveys: With particular reference to the Australian Health Measurement Survey (Working Paper), 2003
Geographic distribution of admissions to hospital with a mental health diagnosis and use of community mental health services in 2004, 2006
Health equity and its determinants in the Western Pacific Region, 2020
Health systems of Australia and New Zealand (Journal Article), 2008
Housing experiences and suitability as determinants of health: Population patterns of housing and correlated health risk factors and outcomes, 2019
The impact of socioeconomic status and geographic location on Indigenous mortality in Australia, 1997-99 (Occasional Paper), 2004
Improving Indigenous identification in communicable disease reporting systems, 2004
Inequality in South Australia: Key determinants of wellbeing - Volume 1: The evidence, 2004
Ischaemic heart disease: Across the social and geographic divides (Editorial), 2000
Is it working - together? Linking research, policy and practice in relation to children and health inequalities in Australia (Occasional Paper), 2003
Life opportunities, social inclusion and health outcomes: An Australian Atlas, 2012
Long-term health conditions: variations in the number of conditions by socioeconomic disadvantage and remoteness, 2023
Long-term health conditions by type of condition: variations by socioeconomic disadvantage and remoteness, 2023
Long-term health conditions: variations in the number and type of conditions reported by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2023
Long-term health conditions: variations in the number and type of conditions reported, by Indigenous status
Men's health and wellbeing in South Australia: An analysis of service use and outcomes by socioeconomic status, 2009
Messages from research: A review of the research literature concerning differences in cancer outcomes between metropolitan and country residents in South Australia, and factors that might underlie such differences, 2012
Metropolitan income inequality and working age mortality: A cross-sectional analysis using comparable data from five countries (Journal Article), 2005
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance concepts: Physical activity (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance data requirements for health: Physical activity (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance question development: Asthma (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance question development: Diabetes mellitus (Working Paper), 2003
Nationwide monitoring and surveillance question development: Physical activity (Working Paper), 2003
Obesity and overweight: geographical variations, 2020
Open Invitation from the International Poverty and Health Network to All Healthcare Professionals (Editorial), 2004
An overview of National Health Measurement Surveys (Working Paper), 2003
Public Health Classifications Project - Phase One: Final Report, 2006
Population health profiles of the Divisions of General Practice, 2005 (119 profiles)
Population health profiles of the Divisions of General Practice: Supplement, 2007 (119 profiles)
Potential Years of Life Lost - fact sheet, 2022
Potential Years of Life Lost by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - fact sheet, 2022
Potentially preventable hospitalisations in Australia, 2018
Regional health profiles, 2017 (7 profiles)
Producing time-series estimated resident populations by Indigenous Area for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2021
Remote areas statistical geography in Australia: Notes on the Accessibility/ Remoteness Index for Australia [ARIA+ Version] (Working Paper), 2003
Review of health status and labour force productivity and participation data with regard to chronic disease: Literature review, 2010
Social capital and social capital indicators: A reading list (Working Paper), 2003
The Social Health Atlas: A policy tool to describe and monitor social inequality and inequality in Australia (Journal Article), 2004-2005
A Social Health Atlas of Australia [Second Edition] - Volumes 1-9, 1999
A Social Health Atlas of compensable injury in South Australia, 2006
A Social Health Atlas of Young South Australians [Second Edition], 2003
A Social Health Atlas of South Australia [Third Edition], 2006
The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated risk factors in Australia: How far have we travelled? Evidence from the ABS National Health Survey Series (Paper), 2015
The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated risk factors in Australia (Journal Article), 2004
Summary of median age at death: Australia, 2020
Summary of median age at death: Sydney and Adelaide, 2020
Summary of median age at death: Western Australia and the Northern Territory, 2020
Summary of median age at death, by Indigenous status, 2020
Symposium on health data linkage: Its value for Australian health policy development and policy relevant research: Proceedings, 2003
Understanding educational opportunities and outcomes: A South Australian Atlas, 2010
Unpacking analyses relying on area-based data: Are the assumptions supportable? (Journal Article), 2004
Unemployment benefits and the social gradient under COVID-19, 2020
Variation in the rates of potentially preventable hospitalisations are geographically consistent over time across Australian states and territories, 2021
Variation in potentially preventable hospitalisation rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are geographically persistent over time across Australian states and territories, 2021