Data archive: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Atlases of Australia

Released online: 2007 to 2024

The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Health Atlases of Australia in this section present the earlier release Indigenous data in spreadsheets (xls or xlsx) by Indigenous Area and/or Primary Health Network, Statistical Local Area, Medicare Local and OATSIH Planning Region for the whole of Australia, where available; and based on either the ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) or Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), as specified.

PHIDU holds the previously released interactive maps for all of the data presented in this Data archive section. If you would like a particular map - or access to a set of maps for a specific geographical structure - please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In addition, earlier South Australia Indigenous data is available via the Data archive: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Health Atlases of South Australia.

The data are organised by release date, from the latest archived data through to the earliest. Note that some indicators (e.g., particularly those based on Census data) may be duplicated within the earlier atlases, as all the latest available indicators as at the release date are included in order to present a full set of indicators.

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