Local Government Area Single map

Comparison table areas

For the Local Government Area Single Map template/s, the 'comparison table' at the bottom right-hand corner of the map shows the totals for Australia, for each of the Greater Capital Cities and Rest of States/ Territory regions, based on the new ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), July 2011.

For the indicators not yet updated to the ASGS, the 'comparison table' shows the totals for Australia, for each Capital city and Non-metropolitan area, and for ‘All Capital cities’ and ‘All Non-metropolitan areas’, based on the ABS Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), July 2011.

The full list of indicators which are still based on the ASGC include those under the following topics, or as separately specified:

  • Total fertility rate
  • Education - Participation in vocational education and training/ School leavers enrolled in higher education
  • Community strengths (modelled estimates) - all indicators, excluding 'Persons aged 15 years and over who participated in voluntary work (ABS Census data)'
  • Personal and financial stressors (modelled estimates)
  • Access to services: financial and transport barriers (modelled estimates)
  • Mothers and babies
  • Screening programs - Breast screening participation/outcomes and Cervical screening participation/outcomes
  • Disability - Persons aged 18 years and over with profound/severe/moderate/mild core activity restriction (modelled estimates)
  • Aged care places
  • Health workforce