Population pyramid generator


The Population pyramid generator allows you to generate population pyramids for the whole population and for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations for a range of geographical areas. For example:

  • generate a population pyramid for the total population by age group in Population Health Areas (PHAs), Local Government Areas (LGAs), Primary Health Networks (PHNs), or Section of State (e.g., Sydney/ non-metropolitan NSW);
  • generate a population pyramid for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population by Indigenous Area (IARE), Indigenous Region (IREG), or Section of State (e.g., Sydney/ non-metropolitan NSW), or compare profiles by Indigenous status;
  • compare population pyramids for two areas e.g., Parramatta (C) and the Sydney GCCSA, or the IAREs of Port Hedland and Broome;
  • compare the population in Broome IARE by Indigenous status; and
  • build a snapshot (save image as a .png file)

Datasource and Notes

2021 ERP (PHA, LGA, and PHN) – ABS estimated resident population.

2021 URP (IARE) – ABS usual resident population.

  • The data shown for this indicator are the usual resident population (URP), derived from the Census. There is, however, a substantial difference between the Census counts (URP) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and the estimated resident population (ERP), adjusted for net undercount as measured by the Post Enumeration Survey undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS): the ERP is 17.5% higher for Australia than the Census count. However, as the ABS has not released Aboriginal ERP by age at the Indigenous Area level used in the population pyramid generator, the data published here are the URP. When further population details for the Aboriginal population become available from the ABS (scheduled for August 2023), PHIDU will examine the possibility of producing an estimated resident population by age at the Indigenous Area level, as was the case following the 2016 Census

Please note that areas with populations below 100 have been excluded.

The default setting shows the populations as a per cent in each age group: this can be changed to show the numbers.


  • To get a clearer comparison, select the area of main interest as comparator 2.
  • To assist you in your search for an area (e.g., LGA, PHA, PHN), click on 'Select Area Type' and type the name of the area which you are searching for.

This functionality might vary depending on your Internet browser e.g., the first letter typed will activate an area, the second will activate a new area.


View population pyramids

View the population pyramids for: